We've always centered what we do and how we do it, not on being the best but reassuringly uncommon. Life's too short for anywhere you stay just to be 'good', 'satisfying', or even 'great' (which we aim to be). It should always be unique in some way. Surprising. Intriguing. Off-beat even. That's us.
When you enter the house, you'll see a shiny red Harley Davidson Fat Boy (yes, it's real) hanging from the ceiling above you. No, it's not there because we didn't have enough parking space. It's because, since its foundation in 1903, Harley has come to stand for 'The Open Road': for exploration, for adventure, for heading the other way.

Atop the Harley you'll also see a curious character made entirely from motorbike chains atop the Harley. This is Rafiki, our in-house Maasai friend. He's there because the Maasai are semi-nomadic, regularly seeking pastures new.
And then, on the wall beside Rafiki & the Harley, you'll see Robert Frost's poem: The Road Less Travelled, which is all about the joy of making less predictable decisions.
So What?
Businesses never succeed by being ordinary, and our unorthodox nature might be the spark for your bolder, breakthrough business moments.
Businesses never succeed by being ordinary,
and our unorthodox nature might be the
spark for your bolder, breakthrough
business moments.
For anything 'Businessy' WhatsApp on+254 791 398 845
or email: rose@thesocialhouse.ke
For anything 'Businessy' WhatsApp on
+254 791 398 845 or email: rose@thesocialhouse.ke
For anything 'Businessy' at The Social House give Rose a call or send her a WhatsApp on +254 791 398 845 or email her at rose@thesocialhouse.ke